This section includes payment for milk quality, milk control and other analysis of raw milk.
Payment for milk quality
Individual and associated milk producers participate in this service, in addition to the industries and primary buyers that collect milk from Galicia and that accept the services offered by the LIGAL.
Through this services milk quality parameters are determined, these parameters are those employed by the industry and primary buyers to pay producers.
The beneficiaries of this service obtain, in addition to quality data of each farm, assistance in matters related to the process of determining milk quality: sample identification, sampling material (racks, labels and bottles containing azidiol), sample collection, results, farms and industries inspection, advise on issues related to quality, participation in training actions…
- Composition quality by infrared spectroscopy (Fourier transform): fat, protein, lactose, dry matter.
- Freezing point determination by infrared spectroscopy (Fourier transform and conductivity) and Thermistor method (reference method).
- Urea by infrared spectroscopy (Fourier transform).
- Fatty acids (saturated and unsaturated) infrared spectroscopy (Fourier transform).
- Hygienic quality: bacteria count by fluoro-opto-electronic with flow cytometry method.
- Healthcare Quality: somatic cell count by fluoro-opto-electronic with flow cytometry method.
- Detection of inhibitors by screening method (microbial inhibition tests in combination with receptor-based assays).
Dairy control
The analysis of dairy control are conducted to samples of each of the cows included in the programs of genetic improvement, programs developed by the Association of Breeders of Friesian Control of Performance (AFRICOR), one per province, according to the guideline established by the Regional Ministry of Rural Environment of the Xunta de Galicia.
- Physical-chemical quality by infrared spectroscopy (Fourier transform): fat, protein, lactose, dry matter.
- Urea by infrared spectroscopy (Fourier transform).
- Fatty acids (saturated and unsaturated) infrared spectroscopy (Fourier transform).
- Healthcare Quality: somatic cell counts by fluoro-opto-electronic with flow cytometry method.
- BHB by infrared spectroscopy (Fourier transform).
Other analysis conducted to raw milkther analysis conducted to raw milk
Any farmer or industry may send milk samples for analysis of different parameters from those of payment for milk quality or milk control.
On these samples determination such as physico-chemical parameters, freezing point, urea, fatty acids, bacteriology, somatic cell count, inhibitors detection, mycotoxins detection and chromatography analysis may be conducted.
- Composition quality by infrared spectroscopy (Fourier transform): fat, protein, lactose, dry matter.
- Freezing point determination by infrared spectroscopy (Fourier transform and conductivity).
- Freezing point by Thermistor method (reference method).
- Urea by infrared spectroscopy(Fourier transform).
- Urea by enzymatic method employing pH differences (reference method).
- Fatty acids (saturated and unsaturated) infrared spectroscopy(Fourier transform).
- Hygienic quality: bacteria count by fluoro-opto-electronic with flow cytometry method.
- Healthcare Quality: somatic cell count by fluoro-opto-electronic with flow cytometry method.
- Detection of inhibitors by screening method (microbial inhibition tests in combination with receptor-based assays).
- Detection of micotoxin M1 by rapid test (immunoassay).
- Detection of micotoxin M1 by ELISA.
- Identification and quantification of antibiotic, micotoxin and fatty acid through chromatographic analysis. Chromatographic analysis