General Info

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On this page you will find information on the composition and objectives of the association Galician Interprofessional Laboratory of Milk Analysis, as well as all the activities undertaken in the field of quality of milk and milk products.

The LIGAL has basic purposes of statutory care, educational, scientific, healthcare and promoting cooperation or fomenting primary economy and research in the field in question , among others, including:

  • Control of chemical and bacteriological composition of milk.
  • Contribution to professional prophylaxis plans corresponding to the flock, particularly the eradication of mastitis, brucellosis and enzootic.
  • Studies and scientific and technical research relative to milk and dairy products, either directly or through agreements with public or private entities products.
  • Any other action to control quality of milk, its production, treatment, processing and marketing in the area of Galicia, as well as other dairy products, aimed to optimizing its production and marketing in the maximum health status.

The LIGAL develops the scheme of payment for milk according to its quality throughout the Autonomous Community of Galicia, performing analytical Dairy Control included in the breeding programs, collaborates with industries and with the Regulatory Boards of certificate of Origin Queixo Tetilla Arzúa-Ulloa, San Simón da Costa and Cebreiro in their programs of quality control of milk and dairy products and holds the Quality Mark “Galega 100%.”

Also integrates activities that provide to both the farmer and industry tools to improve the quality of milk, health care and food; and collaborates with public authorities in the official control of foodstuffs, as well as traceability programs at national and regional level.

Chairman: D. José Ramón Ratón Varela – Asociación Galega de Cooperativas de Galicia (AGACA)
Vice-chairman: FeNIL
Secretary: FeNIL
Treasurer: SLG – Comisións Labregas
Chairperson: FeNIL